What is it about growing up in a very small town and that connection with those you went to school with or even only knew remotely that seems to last a lifetime? Tonight (August 18, 2010) about 25 people, most of whom graduated from Short High School in the 1960s, gathered at El Reparo, Liberty, Indiana's finest restaurant. People came from as far away as Evansville, Dayton and Cincinnati on a weeknight to reminisce and catch up on each others lives and families. Many had not seen each other for 40 years and more. A great time seemed to be had by all. I know it was a blast for me. We need to keep growing this event. Thanks to those who made the effort to be there. Especially Elaine, Jackie and Jim. We shall do it again.
And thanks to Jose and Carlos at El Reparo. As always, a terrific job of taking care of us.